Well-designed user experience

With the development of the Internet, the term of User Experience has become a keyword of the Internet product development. The definition of the user experience is notso absolutely, and it is also not so sacred and inviolable for ordinary people. In recent years, all peoples are talking about user experience, it seems that everyone can be a …

History of selling and buying goods and services online

The introduction of the new digital economy has helped to create a very individualistic and independent society. Selling on the web has gotten increasingly complex with more channels and partners than ever before. Now, You can use the internet and sell your products and services to the customers you have never seen and who may …

Theory for UX Design

User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function. What UX Designers do goes Beyond UI Design “User Experience Design” is …

Depending on where you are in the world, you can Do Marketing

Location-based marketing delivers targeted marketing messages to customers in particular locations, through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Customers receive these marketing messages by using their mobile device to: search for local businesses on the internet ‘check in’ to a particular neighbourhood or business through an online, location-based service. Some of the most popular …

We all love the holidays and read book all day.

A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law on which normal activities, especially business or work including school, are suspended or reduced. Generally, holidays are intended to allow individuals to celebrate or commemorate an event or tradition of cultural or religious significance. Holidays may be designated by governments, religious institutions, or …